floor to table


For the past few years, my “work station” has always been whatever room and decent lighting I could find, which usually resulted in me doing work on the floor. I would basically work until my neck, back, and/or knees couldn’t take it anymore. Even then, I just couldn’t commit to spending money on a table.

Just last week, I finally gave in and bought a drafting table! Many, many years too late, but better late than never! I got the cheapest (but with good reviews) adjustable drafting table I could find on Amazon, but turns out this table is actually amazing. Check it out!

My new workstation! Featuring a few of my plant babies

My new workstation! Featuring a few of my plant babies

This drafting table has a glass top which makes it easy to clean paint off of. It features built in mini drawers, paint trays and brush holders, and it also tilts up to 60º, which I can’t wait to try out.

Btw, I am NOT getting paid for advertising this table. I just really wanted to share with fellow artists who are looking to purchase an affordable yet solid drafting table. You can find it here.

Now to find an comfortable drafting stool…


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